17/04 ETAF Conferentie : naar een eenvoudig en toekomstbestendig europees fiscaal stelsel?

Het ITAA nodigt u uit op 17 april 2024 om 13u op de conferentie van ETAF, een van de EU organisaties waarvan we lid zijn.

ETAF zet zich in om de belangen van ITAA-leden ook op EU-niveau te behartigen. Ook daar is er natuurlijk drang naar vereenvoudiging. Onze voorzitter krijgt de opportuniteit om dit in een paneldebat duidelijk te stellen. 

Het volledige programma vindt u hieronder. De conferentie is ook live te volgen. Voertaal is het engels, ETAF voorziet live vertaling in het Duits en Roemeens. 

Invitation - ETAF Conference

Towards a simpler, rationalised and future-proof EU tax system


13:00 – Welcome coffee

13:30 – Introductory speech and presentation of ETAF manifesto by ETAF President, Philippe Arraou

13:45 Panel discussion 1: Which tax policies under the next European Commission?

14:55 Panel discussion 2: Future perspectives for the tax advisers in the EU

15:55 – Concluding remarks by Philippe Arraou

16:00 – Small reception

Confirmed speakers:

  • Benjamin Angel, Director Direct taxation, Tax coordination, Economic analysis and Evaluation at the DG TAXUD of the European Commission
  • Panayiotis Nicolaides, Director of Research of the EU Tax Observatory
  • Sean Bray, Director of European Policy of Tax Foundation Europe
  • Bart Van Coile, President of the Belgian Institute for Tax Advisors and Accountants (ITAA)
  • Florin Toma, Expert accountant and Member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR)
  • Elodie Lamer, Tax journalist at Tax Notes

More speakers to be announced soon!

With the EU elections coming up, it is the perfect time to engage in a collective reflection on the future of the EU tax system. 

Due to their proximity with companies, tax advisers find themselves at the epicentre of the regulatory landscape. When they are not themselves in charge of the filing obligations resulting from EU law, they help businesses navigate the complexities of EU tax legislation. In recent years, EU tax proposals have been issued at an incredible speed and the EU tax system has become highly complex. At the same time, these legislations generate an always higher reporting burden for taxpayers and tax authorities, which sometimes comes at the cost of efficiency.

This conference will bring together tax experts and EU officials to explore what the tax policies under the next European Commission should look like, as well as the future perspectives for tax advisers in the European Union.

On this occasion, ETAF will also present its manifesto for the EU elections outlining several core demands to the next European Parliament and European Commission to ensure that the EU tax system is simpler, rationalised and future-proof.

Gepubliceerd op

Door auteur(s)

Alexis De Biolley




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