Internationale conferentie over toekomst van kleine en middelgrote accountancykantoren op 16 mei in Brussel

Update 19/03/24 : de conferentie is volzet.

Op 16 mei 2024 vindt de internationale conferentie van het EFAA plaats op de kantoren van het ITAA & het IBR . Het thema is ‘De toekomst van de kleine en middelgrote kantoren’. 

Voertaal is het Engels.



Session one – 30 years of EFAA for SMEs and SMPs: Looking Back, Looking Forward

A panel of former EFAA Presidents will discuss the evolution of the accountancy profession, specifically focusing on small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs), the pivotal role of Professional Accountancy Organizations, and EFAA’s contributions to SMEs over the past three decades. Moreover, the discussion will explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for SMPs in the future.

The future and challenges of our profession – Lee White, IFAC CEO

Session two – Artificial Intelligence Implications for SMPs

This session will address the implications for SMPs of the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) including compliance with new regulation, ethical rules, and how best to leverage the technology in operations and service delivery

Session three – Sustainability: SMPs Providing Services to SMEs

This session looks at the rapid emergence of the sustainability agenda and the challenges and opportunities this presents SMPs in particular, that of offering sustainability services including advisory, accounting and assurance and embracing sustainability in their own operations.

Session four – The Future of the Tax Accountant

This session will examine how the role of the tax accountant has changed and how it will likely change in the future.

Closing remarks

Salvador Marín, EFAA President

Gepubliceerd op

Door auteur(s)

Alexis De Biolley




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