ETAF asks the EU for simpler tax rules & appoints new

ITAA counts on ETAF and other EU organizations to safeguard the interests of the Belgian tax advisors and accountants towards the European Policy makers.

On the 17th of April ETAF’s General assembly appointed a new board and re-elected ITAA-candidate and past President, Benoit Vanderstichelen. Philippe Arraou was re-appointed ETAF President.

Later that’s day ETAF held a conference on how to simplify and rationalize the EU tax system.

ITAA’s current president, Bart Van Coile, was invited to a panel discussion and made a strong call towards policymakers from the EU commission and parliament for straightforward rules.

He wished for a “new European Commission that builds on trust with taxpayers and intermediaries, especially regulated tax advisers and accountants that follow strong ethical codes of conduct”. EU legislators should prioritise preventing misconduct by unregulated intermediaries, simplifying tax laws and compliance for businesses and tax advisers and alleviating the burden on taxpayers struggling with evolving regulations, especially SMEs, he outlined.

EU companies, tax advisors and accountants need more time for value creation, therefore we call regulators to make sure compliance can be reached more easily than what we see is happening for the moment.

See also ETAF’s press releases below.

How to make the EU tax system simpler, rationalised and future-proof

ETAF General Assembly re-elects Philippe Arraou as President and re-appoints its Board

ETAF conference replay is available online:

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Par auteur(s)

Alexis De Biolley




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